Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Who had the worst bangs?

Vote in the poll in the right-hand column

Wes Putman, Julie Reeves, Gina Neesvig, Sean Page
Fern Hime, Donna Abbott, Zelda Ayala, Cathey Coker


Anonymous said...

Love the bang contest....but the second to the last picture is not Claudia Arreguin. It is Zelda Ayala!

Julie Jacobson said...

oops, I'll make the edit

Anonymous said...

How fun! But hey, that was a lot of hard work. Hot rollers, curling iron and a ton of Aqua Net!! - Fern Hime VanSickle

Mike said...

Very tough decision between Wes and Cathey. I've got to go with Cathey though.