Thursday, June 19, 2008


Check out your fellow classmates who are making great strides to get to the reunion:

Carla Segesman - Cancun, Mexico
Julie Jacobson - Minnesota
Julie Reeves - New Jersey
David Duncan - New Jersey
Jodi Petlin - Montana
Cathey Coker - Alabama
David Kriese - Colorado
Andrew Lee - Ohio
Doug Pashoian - New Mexico
Anne White - Florida
Sarah Colvin - Maryland
Jeff Donaldon - Florida
Kirsten Robinson - Mass.
Andie Ximenes - California
Jennifer Wimmer - Michigan

If you live in San Antonio and aren't making the effort to come, shame on you !!

Any other trekkers out there?


Mike said...

I'll be making the arduous trek all the way from Dallas to San Antonio (or God's country...or is that College Station??)

Carla Segesman - Cancun, Mexico- she won't stay in town long, she'll start missing the sand between her toes

Julie Jacobson - Minnesota- she tried to talk Bill into switching the date to January so she really had an excuse to get out of Minnesota (don't ya know)

Julie Reeves - New Jersey- she might stay forever once she sees what it's like to be back in a real state

David Duncan - New Jersey- see above

Jodi Petlin - Montana- why are you coming?? Leaving Montana in the summer?? Bad call.

Cathey Coker - Alabama- will have to get used to wearing shoes again, cathy you don't have to make your own booze in Texas.

David Kriese - Colorado- see Jodi...why would you leave Colorado in the summer?? Or the winter for that matter. I've got a house in Dallas I'll trade with you. My wife may be in it.

Andrew Lee - Ohio- there's nothing funny to say about Ohio.

Doug Pashoian - New Mexico- This'll be the first time in years that Doug has seen folks with all their own teeth.

Anne White - Florida- She snapped out of it when she realized that she was even contemplating leaving Florida. She and Busto are kicking it.

Sarah Colvin - Maryland- They know 2 things in Maryland- crabcakes and football!!! (Hot route!)

Kirsten said...

I'll be coming from Massachusetts. Shouldn't be too hard for Mike to come up with a joke about that....

Mike said...


We'll all try to speak very slowly for you when you arrive so that you can get used to our accents. Down here in Texas, the letter "R" is still part of our alphabet!

Kirsten said...

Oh, we have R's (pronounced "ahs") all right -- we just take them off words like cah and beeah and add them to othah words like idear.

Seriously, I know people who considered Boston pronunciations when naming their babies -- for example, Lisa would be pronounced "Leeser".

What's worse, in Rhode Island (Vo Dilan') the name Cheryl sounds like "Shovel."

And y'all thought y'all had accents....

Mike said...

We go to Maine every summer and hang out occasionally with some in laws from Boston. The first or 2nd year we went, my uncle-in-law and his son were on our front deck arguing over the best way to get from Boston to Boothbay Harbor(Hahbah). "You take the tuuunpike to the ..." I seriously thought they were doing it just for me. They sounded exactly like Teddy Kennedy.