Monday, June 9, 2008

Eisenhower 8th-Grade Drama

Thanks to Robert Stocker for passing this along. You can see a larger version of this and a similar picture at the Churchill Class of 1983 Photo Album.

You might recognize Mike Martin, Cliff Simpson, Adolf Ramirez (best dressed in our Churchill senior class), John Walls, Barbara Arden, Stephanie Lewis, Michelle Uretsky, Julie Reeves, a couple of Melissas, a couple of Karens, Heather Johnson, Doris J., Kelly Franklin, of course Robert Stocker, and a lot more.


ccs said...

Wow. I don't think I've ever seen that picture before. I'm pretty sure I didn't rock the "bare shoulder peasant blouse with flower behind one ear" look again until college. Man, did I make that WORK.

(Seriously, WTF?)


Robert Stocker said...

Only you could have pulled that look off Cliff...

Seriously, would you rather be me with the braces and the bad Billy Jack starter kit hat??

Scott Combs said...

What a bunch of freaks. Anyone else still practicing mime? No? Just me?
On another note, seeing that photo of Ms. Girodat brought back memories. I bet that hot Bohemian would go home everynight and fire-up a big fatty and put on the "Hair" soundtrack.
Cliff, are you sure that was just a "Look"?
Robert Stocker. You find that hat and wear it to the reunion. I'll by you beer all night if you do (or are you going to have an ice chest in the trunk like last time?)
Mike Martin, see if Ferris Bueller will let you borrow his sweater-vest again.
I shouldn't talk though. I'm wearing mouse ears and I look about 7 years old, and as usual, I'm in the front row of a photo. I hate tall people.
Scott Combs