Tuesday, May 27, 2008


"....taking Kim for a ride the day I got my license and wrecking my car." Beth Anderson

"Randy Arnold and I showed up late and soaking wet to Physical Science final exam." Claudia Arreguin

"Mike Martin's truck." Don Crook

"Getting fake IDs and going to New West for Drink or Drown Night." Dian Ebert

"Bob Bull set me up with a friend of his brother's. Holly Barth and I dressed up a male friend and had him pretend he was me." Galen Dickey

"Swimming in the fountains at North Star Mall for a Sociology experiment." Doris Jaeger

"Convinced the entire school I had amnesia with the help of Greg Lee and Scott Lasiter." Keith Kirkman

"Sneaking the car out when we were Freshman." Misty Neely

"When I took my parent's car for a WASTO party and a "friend" was driving me home and we had a accident." Alison Lewis

"The night Mary Wyman and I tied a dead deer head to a statue's head in Mr. Tucker's (math teacher) front yard." Jerry Organ

"Fumbling three times on Lee's 20 yard line my Sophmore year and having Coach Centeno rattle my helmet, bench me, and put David Baker, a Freshman in for me." John Roy

"Dance Team practice when Mardi Sherman got caught imitating Ms. Angell's dance." Renetta Quintana

"While papering a friend's house, I was stung by a bee and had to be taken to the emergency room for an allergic reaction." Paige Wanless

"Shelly and I switched on our teachers Mrs. Burns and Mr. Glaze." Sherri Whitehurst

"Toilet papering the wrong house and getting caught." Evamarie Smith

"I was boring in high school - I never did anything wrong." Lanisa Yates


Parke Mainz has a classic rock band called HOTHOUSE which is made up of 2 Dallas firefighters and 2 arsonists (so Parke the firefighter claims).

They have been together 11 yrs will be playing at the Folklife Festival in San Antonio on the below dates.
Fri. 6-13 8:00 on stage 6
Sat. 6-14 12:00....4:30....and 10:00 (usually our best show)
Sun. 6-15 6:00 (not such a good show cuz the band has been floating the river in Gruene all day)

Churchill Now

This is what our humble school looks like now. I wonder if the cafeteria food has changed.

A Saturday BBQ at the school is planned, with lots of fun rides and play things for the kids.

Will adult beverages be served?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Homecoming Hotties